These are my notes from a teaching/sermon I presented at our home church, Freedom Hill KC. Feel free to contact me if you’d like more information about our church.

What are we fighting?

Satan. Demons. Sickness. Sin. The Flesh. Carnality.

Tools and Resources to fight the enemy

  • Shofar
    • Friend named Joseph
      • Lord told him: You’re going to blow the shofar.
      • Old lady gave him one a few days later.
      • Little shofar. Feels like he’s carrying a Glock.
      • Lord showed him it’s a weapon against the enemy. In the spiritual warfare.
      • We liken it to the dynamic of fasting, we don’t fully under- stand the power of it, why or how it works – but ……IT WORKS!

      • Gideon 300 doing battle. Confused the enemy.
      • The Holy Spirit revealed that in the spirit realm, blowing the SHOFAR brings about the same effect. Over our meetings, over our buildings and over our cities, there is opposition in the heavenlies. We believe that blowing the SHOFAR during prayer, intercession and worship times causes disturbance and confusion to the spirit realm above us, thus dispersing the opposition and bringing about an open heaven for the glory, power and presence of God to fall.

      • We have seen dramatic changes and fruit from the blowing of the SHOFAR during our intercession and during our worship times. We do not use this tool as a religious rite but purely as the Spirit leads.

      • We also have testimonies of people blowing the SHOFAR in their homes during prayer times, also seeing breakthrough and victory as a result.

  • Faith, Prayer, and Fasting
    • This kind of demon only goes out through prayer and fasting - Matthew 17:14-21
    • Believing it even when you don’t have it in the natural yet
      • Mountain thrown into the sea - Matthew 21:18-22
    • Greater things than what Yeshua did - John 14:9-21. Matthew 8:28-32. Matthew 10, pray we could take up the same charge.
    • Rebuking things
      • Yeshua rebuked the sea - Matthew 8:23-27
    • You have not because you ask not - James 4:1-3
      • Resist the Devil, and he wil flee - verse 7
    • Listening to the Torah - Proverbs 28:9
  • Scripture
    • Psalm 91. Refuge and fortress. Do we pray this before we worry about unsafe things?
    • Psalm 118 - favorite of Gabriel? Why? Especially verse 8 through 14.
    • Isaiah 43. Interpretation might depend whether you believe we’re included in Israel. I do. If you don’t, pray to God to extend to us. He loves us.
  • Identify Satan’s footholds. Get them out of your life
    • Deeds of the flesh are obvious. Galatians 5:19-21
      • Pornography is included in that list.
    • Fruits of the Spirit. What do you lack? Galatians 5:22-23
      • I will walk in gentleness.
    • What does Satan try to make you feel guilty about?
      • Praying over my broken computer. This is for the kingdom. Satan: “you built this for playing video games.” Then I’ll redeem it, no more gaming on it ever again. Lord revealed how to fix it after that.
      • If it’s true, confess it, repent and fix it moving forwards.
      • If it’s false, rebuke it, counter it with the truth.
  • My victory prayer
    • Yeshua has healed me. I will walk in gentleness/peace. I do not receive anything contrary to this truth. I rebuke (whatever is bothering me at the moment) with firmness and gentleness.
  • Leverage other people to help with their tools and resources
    • Confess your sins to trusted individuals - James 5:16